Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Mickey and Jammie Show, Episode 1

My Mickey says the darndest things. It's just a tiny little piece of his great big charm.  The fact that we find ourselves laughing uncontrollably over the most ridiculous things, never ceases to amaze us.  Between my theories about the way things should be and Mickey's self-described "outside of the box thinking" we definitely keep each other amused.

About a month before we made settlement on the new house, we were trying to figure out how we were going to put the furniture. I had a houseful of new and pretty furniture, but the new house is considerably bigger.  Of course, I had girl sized electronics and an entertainment center that they fit in.  Mickey has one of those jumbo flat screen tvs that definitely didn't fit into the 4 foot or so hole in the center of my wall unit.  Therefore, the wall unit would not be part of the new family room.  That left the living room, where we weren't considering putting a television (although, even after we gave a few of them away, we were still overstocked with tvs).  From that line of thinking the following conversation occurred.

Mickey:  We can put the entertainment center in our room.  We'll put it on the wall opposite our bed.

Me:  But, it's so big and doesn't really match the bedroom set.  Do you really think that would work?

Mickey:  Yeah, it'll be great. Our bedroom will look just like a motel room.

Me:  .........

I mean, really, there are just no words.  This was the first of many conversations in which my wonderful and very loved boyfriend wanted our bedroom or parts of our house to resemble extremely nontraditional home decor schemes.  Who dreams of making their bedroom look like a motel room?  Not a room at a fancy resort, or even a hotel, for Pete's sake, but a motel room.